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CEMyRI (UAL), established in 2009, is a research centre depending on the University of Almería that operates in the field of migration and intercultural studies. CEMyRI (UAL) is mainly engaged in scientific research in the context of formal education (graduate, master’s degree and specialization courses) and dissemination through seminars, conferences, etc. and has an long experience in leading European and National projects funded by 1) FEDER-Cross Border Cooperation Spain, External Borders (POCTEFEX): “ANDALUCÍA INTEGRA”, “PARALELO 36”; “INTEG-RE: The integration of refugees. An analysis of host models, intergroup relations and acculturation process”; 2) AMIF: “E.M.M.E: Enterprises Meet Migrants for Employment”;“FAMILIA: Migrant families: local active inclusion interventions”; 3) URBAN INNOVATIVE ACTIONS PROGRAMME, under the coordination of the Almería City Council, titled: “CAMINA: Community Awakening for Multicultural Integrative Narrative of Almería” and 4) H2020: “YMOBILITY: Youth mobility: Maximising opportunities for individuals, labour markets and regions in Europe” and 5) ERASMUS+: “ReCULM, to address the refugee crisis’ training needs for cultural mediators”, “ Inter4REF: Interpreters for Refugees” & TOCL: Translation of Cultural language for the inclusion of migrants.

All activities of the CEMyRI (UAL) are based on wide and well-established cooperation network, both at national and international level. The national networks include non-governmental organizations (NGO´s) as Red Cross, CEPAIM Foundation and Almería Acoge; training institutions, universities and schools, as well as Public bodies as Almería City Council among others.


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National Center for Social Research (EKKE) Greece

The National Center for Social Research –ΕΚΚΕ- was established in 1959 under the auspices of UNESCO and is the only public institution in Greece dedicated to the social sciences. ΕΚΚΕ is a public law legal entity  supervised by the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation of the Ministry of Development and Investments.

Since its establishment, ΕΚΚΕ:

  • Has established a research tradition in areas such as social policy, political sociology and electoral geography, social geography and social anthropology.
  • Conducts social research on a wide range of subjects, constantly enriching a decades-long tradition with issues of current importance
  • Provides support to the State by designing and evaluating public policies at the national, regional and local level, as well as providing research and expertise reports aiming at the timely indication of critical social and political issues
  • Maintains constant international collaboration by its presence in international research and expertise networks, as well as major European research programmes
  • Contains one of the country’s largest libraries for the social sciences which provides support for its research activity as well as for the social sciences and research in Greece in general.
  • Publishes print and free access digital works related to the research on and analysis of aspects of contemporary Greek society. An important number of EKKE’s publications is included in the syllabuses of University Department courses
  • Publishes the Greek Review of Social Research, the country’s oldest social sciences journal and one of the first scientific journal to have adopted the blind peer review system


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University of Modena and Reggio Emilia – Italy


The University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE), founded in 1175, is among the oldest universities in the world and has always been ranked among the top Italian universities for quality of teaching and research. Nowadays UNIMORE is composed of 13 Departments, 1 School of Medicine, 16 interdisciplinary research centres, 13 PhD courses, 26,712 students. Unimore has 32 Master’s degree programmes and 44 bachelor’s degree programmes, 6 Single-Cycle Master’s Degree programmes and 6 Master’s degree Programmes taught in English.  It has more than 250 international exchange agreements and invests 1 million € for year in mobility programmes.

The Department of Education and Human Sciences (DESU) at UNIMORE is one of the most respected institutions authorized for the initial and in-service training of qualified teachers for kindergarten and primary school. It also provides qualifying courses for the profession of special aid teachers at all school levels.

The Department of Education and Human Sciences host the CERIID (Research Centre on Teachers and Didactic Innovation) centre as well as research groups involved in many interdisciplinary research project on lifelong learning education, children and adult education, peace education, ethnic relations in school, learning Italian as a second language, educational attainment and schooling of immigrant children, acculturation and prejudice reduction strategies, policies for unaccompanied minors. The DESU research activity aims to support the development of education and training programmes, firmly placed in the broader context of the social sciences in fields such as migration, multiculturalism, minorities ans special needs, digital education. DESU has systematic collaborations with the Ministry of Education, Regional and Local Administrations working in education, NGOs, educational institutions. The DESU provides expertise, competences and abilities within sociological, linguistic, psychological and  pedagogical research.



Danmar Computers LLC, established in 2000, is a private company operating in the field of Information Technology and providing vocational training in this field. Danmar has experience in developing modern Web and mobile applications that are used for educational purposes. Danmar also has long-term experience of carrying out European projects within which the R&D staff conducts research and prepares trainings tailored to the needs of various learners. It has successfully implemented over 90 projects within Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci, Progress and recently Erasmus+. Besides being the technical partner, in many of these projects Danmar is responsible for designing and coordinating dissemination strategies. Danmar Computers is the developer and provider of AdminProject, the on-line system for management of European projects.

All activities of the company are based on wide and well-established cooperation network, both at national and international level. The national networks include training and counselling institutions, universities, schools, non-governmental organisations, as well as private sector companies. International networks include partners of various profiles coming from every European Union’s country. Danmar Computer’s mission is the promotion of life-long education and assurance of equal access to education for everyone with the use of modern technology.


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